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How does True-3D Imaging works?
An interesting fact to discuss during one of the science sessions is the production of these innovative three dimensional products. When looking at real objects, our eyes perceive two slightly differing pictures. On the basis of this difference, the brain figures out the objects’ three-dimensional depth. Thus, the three-dimensional impression takes shape.
True-3D displays contain several shots of the same subject taken from different perspectives. These “takes” are slotted into each other, resulting into a highly complex process.

Image Data
Vector Data
Some Pictures
Nesting of Pictures
Mirror image and offset printing on the pack of a lenticular foil
The lenses are accurately aligned with the interlaces of the image, so that light reflected off each strip is refracted in a slightly different direction, although the light from all strips of a given image are sent in the same direction.
Consequently, when looking at the pictorial content, each eye perceives only the visual information according to its current angle of view. This happens due to an exactly adjusted lenticular foil coating covering each display. Therefore, both eyes perceive a pictorial content that is slightly, yet decisively, differing in perspective – just like when looking at the real three-dimensional structure. Thus, the brain constructs the same three-dimensional picture.
Such a 3D phenomenon is capable of creating an illusion of depth of up to 60cm from a 1mm lens without any additional optical tools. Such a technology has the ability not only to create depth but also to change or move as the image is viewed from different angles. This is what makes True-3D images so fascinating for people all over the world.
Obviously there is no need of 3D glasses, special apparatus or any other tool to watch the 3D images of our product range