When Learning is Fun!

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The Card collection is available in three formats, all using 3D technology:

Postcard version (10.5 cm x 14.8 cm)
Show Card version (21 cm x 21 cm)
Goto Post Card Shop
Goto Show Card Shop

Greeting Card version (10.5 cm x 14.8 cm)
Goto Greeting Card Shop
One can choose from thirteen different collections or subject areas, namely:
One does not need any special apparatus or 3D goggles to watch these cards. The 3D effect is inbuilt in the card itself.
What can one learn from such 3D cards?

Other information further down this page:
What can one learn from such 3D cards?
What do Greeting Cards show?
The potential of learning from these cards is high and it is fun too. The true three dimensional effects of the cards will bring to life the animals, insects, flowers, sea creatures, planets and any other item shown on the card. Taking animals as an example, their vivid colours and the natural habitat around them will provide a whole new learning experience.
One can notice a number of characteristics when using these cards. In particular, in those cards showing animals, one can notice among others:
Animal characteristics – in terms of size, colour, special skin patterns, etc.;
Animal habitats – whether they live in a cold or warm environment and in which part of the globe they usually live;
Eating habits and hunting strategies; and
Other behaviour characteristics – such as fighting for pack leadership.
One can therefore look closely (in 3D) to those animals which are usually very dangerous to approach or which are only available in zoos.
The back of the cards gives a clear indication of the size of the particular animal in relation to an average human or in case of insects with respect to the size of a human hand.

Animals are compared to an average human

Insects are compared to a human hand
There is also information in which countries or rather in which part of the globe (or continent) they usually live. These are clearly shown by the dark areas visible on the world map.

What do Greeting Cards show?
Dark areas on the global map indicate the usual habitat of these animals. In this case, the Leopard can be traced in the middle part of the African continent and the southern part of the Asian continent.

All the 3D Cards have their own educational information to share. For instance, in the case of the cards falling under the Zodiac Signs Collection, each of the twelve Zodiac cards offer a flip image effect whereby on the front one can observe:
(a) how the real constellation looks in the sky (imaginary lines are shown to stars forming the constellation); and
(b) the mythological figure or animal that the Greeks astronomers used to imagine representing the constellation.
The information at the back of the card shows:
(a) the name of the constellation and the duration of time the Sun stays in such constellation;
(b) the visibility of the constellation in the evening sky and its relative position in the sky;
(c) the name of the constellation's brightest star(s); and
(d) the shape of the constellation, including the imaginary lines connecting the stars; and the relative position of the stars in
the sky.

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Flip Image on Card:
The asterism and mythological figure

Information at the Back of the Card

This collection is also available in Greeting Card format.